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Jeremy Cohen of Boston Dog Lawyers Joins the "All My Children Wear Fur Coats" Podcast with Peggy Hoyt 4.6.24

Jeremy Cohen

In a recent episode of All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Jeremy Cohen discussed an important breakthrough in legislation regarding pet custody cases.

Jeremy Cohen works in collaboration with The Ollie’s Law Coalition to protect pets and their owners at doggy daycare facilities. He was invited to speak at the International Boarding and Pet Services Association and was named the 2023 APDT Member of The Year for his service as the chair of the Ethics Committee for the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.

Cohen founded Boston Dog Lawyers (BDL), the first law office in Massachusetts that works exclusively on pet related matters. Boston Dog Lawyers has represented over 5,000 pet owners and pet businesses since its inception. Jeremy Cohen attends court multiple times per week, advocating for pet owners’ rights, and striving to change the way that pets are viewed in the legal system.

Last week, thanks to the efforts of Cohen and BDL, the appeals court in Massachusetts determined that pets are recognized as a unique form of personal property. In the case of Lyman v. Lanser, two unmarried individuals disputed the ownership of their Pomeranian named Teddy Bear. Lyman and Lanser were previously in a relationship. They agreed that they would share their dog equally, in the event of a breakup.

Jeremy Cohen sits with his dog Maisey
Man sits with Dog in Park

The court determined that two people who were formerly in an unmarried relationship can be ordered to engage in shared possession of a dog, enforceable by the court, if they both showed an intention to share the dog. This decision highlights the court’s recognition that monetary value is not always an adequate replacement for a lost pet.

In addition, Jeremy Cohen explained his difficulties with veterinarian malpractice lawsuits and the tactics used by insurance companies to avoid settling cases. He stressed the importance of holding veterinarians accountable and reporting them to the board when necessary.

Boston Dog Lawyers will continue to represent pet owners and urge the courts to make the right decisions. Although the fight is not over, the Lyman v. Lanser case is a significant victory for Boston Dog Lawyers and all pet lovers. To learn more about BDL, visit

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