By Bobby Grady Nov 5, 2024

The Select Board voted to adopt animal control's recommendations of labeling a Wareham dog a "nuisance" and mandated training for both the dog and its owners.
During the Select Board meeting held Tuesday, Nov. 5, the board met with the owners of the dog, their attorney Jeremy Cohen of Boston Dog Lawyers and animal control officer Devin Cloutier to discuss how to properly address the situation.
Cloutier initially recommended the board designate the dog as "dangerous" after an incident where the dog Sandy, a 2-year-old German Shepherd, attacked and injured a smaller dog.
According to Cloutier, Sandy and one of her owners, Mary Morgan were sitting on the porch of a relatives house where Sandy was left unrestrained and unpromptedly attacked the smaller dog leaving it with five broken ribs and several puncture wounds.
The dog's owners Lawrence St. Germaine and Mary Morgan of 5 Hammond Street took full responsibility for their dogs actions, according to Cohen.
Cohen added the board should consider designating the dog as a "nuisance," not "dangerous." He explained the "nuisance" designation would allow the board to enforce training that could not otherwise be enforced with a "dangerous" designation.
The approved training, as recommended by Coutier, would take place over 90 days and include 12 sessions in which St. Germaine and Morgan would have to attend at least six sessions each to learn how to better manage their dog.
Coutier said the training should be done with Middleboro based behavioral dog trainers, Professional Canine Services. She explained she has worked with these trainers before and believes they can help St. Germaine and Morgan learn how to best manage their dog.
Other restrictions placed by the board in accordance with the "nuisance" designation include: the dog must be humanely restrained without tying it to an inanimate object when outside the house on the property owned by St. Germaine and Morgan and the dog must be securely held on a leash when off the property that is no longer than three feet and can withstand 300 lbs.
Original article "Select Board designates dog as a 'nuisance'" originally appears: